We at Avivers Store will send you all the information regarding your purchase via email.

  1. How long does it take to receive my product?

    A: The average time is 2 to 4 weeks after the product's release.

  2. Where does the product come from?

    A: We represent manufacturers from Europe, China, the USA, and the Netherlands, depending on the selected product.

  3. Can I pick up my order in person?

    A: No, all shipments are sent through the postal service (Correios).

  4. I purchased multiple products in the same order, but I received only part of them. Is this normal? Will the other products be delivered?

    A: It can happen, but don't worry. This situation occurs when different suppliers provide the selected products. In this case, two different tracking codes will be sent to you so that you can track your orders. Since these are two separate packages, the customs authorities may conduct two separate inspections, which can result in different delivery times.

  5. What if my delivery is delayed?

    A: Rest assured, delays can occur but are rare. Your shipment will be monitored daily, and if, due to unexpected circumstances, the product does not arrive within 90 business days after being shipped according to the shipping and delivery timelines, a 100% refund will be issued.

By making a purchase, the customer agrees to comply with the terms and rules established by Avivers Store.

Avivers Store Team